
Welcome to our little online shop,
Created to share with you our physical creations,
Which are mostly crafted when school holiday boredom is nigh,
Increasing fun and bonding whilst decreasing sibling confrontations!

For few seem to be able to loose their temper,
Whilst crafting with high vibration crystals and gemstones,
Weaving in Kundalini Reiki and more whilst they craft,
(yes my sons are Reiki Masters too!)
With metal flake glitter adding its own magical tones.

Thus each sparkly piece ‘tis uniquely designed,
To support not just as orgonite but as an energetic support device too!
Radiating variants of reiki ‘till the end of its existence to all within it’s auric range,
Which will probably be longer than both me and you.

The pendant's below though there be only one of each,
Are 1.5cm to 3cm across, less than 6mm thick and come with their chain,
The solid hearts are approximately 1cm thick and about 2cm at their widest point,
I'm still working on cart options though thus postage is free (within Australia) to ease that pain.

So whilst what’s available is never vast amounts,
And restocks are only 1-4 times a year at most,
Progress updates can be found on Instagram if over there you follow,
And when new creations are available there’s always a subscribers first to know blog post!

Below right now though can be found,
All that which is currently available,
Further information on orgonite can be found over here,
And shipping is generally only Thursday’s unless our schedules otherwise enable. 😊
Sorry! This product is not available for purchase at this time.

Large Outback Orgonite Pendant


Solid Heart Shapped Orgonite


Large Orgonite Pendant


Small Outback Orgonite Pendant


Small Orgonite Pendant


Large Orgonite Pendant
